Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday, November 4

Another gorgeous, sunny, mild temp day! We were up by 6:30 a.m., and I headed to the college for water aerobics by 7:45. A ghost moon was visible in the bright blue sky as I drove to the pool. The water was warm again today. Fifteen of us showed up for the session.

Back home, once I was ready for the day, I wrote a proposal to submit to the Extension Homemakers Council to try to get our scrapbook club $100 from a grant to buy supplies or tools for making greeting cards and memory books for Caring Hands Hospice.

While I was doing that, Hubbie went to the Revenue Office to try to get Mother's handicap cards renewed for our vehicles. He thought he could do this through our power of attorney, but the agency insisted that Mother had to go in and do it herself.

So after lunch, I took Mother to the office to get the cards renewed. First off, the machine that dispenses numbers wasn't working. Finally, an employee discovered the problem and corrected it, and then passed numbers out to all of us waiting in the seating area.

When Mother's turn rolled around (after waiting endlessly for the lady ahead of us to complete her business of getting a new driver's license...she had trouble with the eye test, as well as understanding instructions, and then she wanted to gab, gab, gab with the clerks) the person serving us ran into difficulties getting the information she needed from the main office in our capital city. She had to call twice to get things underway. On the second try, the phone rang and rang and rang, until the clerk became totally frustrated.

But, at last, she was able to get us squared away, and we left the office to go to the Extension Services office to drop off the proposal I'd written this morning. From there, we went to the new store that has a sale every weekend, where Mother used a 20% off coupon in the intimate apparel department.

We came back home after that, and a few minutes later, Hubbie and I headed out to run errands. First, we went to the bread store to buy day-old loaves to dry and use in making dressing for Thanksgiving. Then we went back to the new store that has a sale every weekend, where I used my 20% off coupon to buy more of the items that Mother picked up earlier, to use as one of her 12 days of Christmas gifts.

From there, we went to the WDCS for a few groceries. But somewhere along the line, I lost my grocery list, so I had to just try to remember what was on it. I did pretty well. The only thing I forgot was sour cream for baked potatoes tonight. We settled for using only margarine and chopped onions on the taters, which we had with stuffed bell peppers. I ate the rest of the turnips with my meal, and opened a can of jalapeno blackeyed peas for Hubbie. Mother opted out of having a side vegetable.

After staying on the run most of the day, I was plenty ready to collapse in front of TV tonight.