Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday, March 26

We were up early this morning, at 6:30, so I could get ready to go to water aerobics. At 7:30, though, our aerobics leader called to say the pool had lost about half its water since Wednesday (it has had a leak for quite a while), so there would be no session this morning.

Even if the problem can be corrected and the pool filled over the weekend, it'll be too cold for swimming on Monday. I'll just wait for the our leader to call again when the pool is ready.

So I did a treadmill session and resistance exercises this morning. Afterward, I read an e-mail from one of my high school classmates. He updated me on another classmate who is suffering from terminal cancer. He and two other classmates visited the ill one, and learned that his prognosis is very bad...doctors give him maybe 30 days.

So once I was ready for the day, the greeting card shop was the first stop on Hubbie's and my round of errands. I found a card that expressed my support for the ill classmate, and later wrote a short letter to include in the card, along with copies of scrapbook pages from our class's last two reunions. This man is featured in several of the photos on the pages.

From the greeting card shop, we went to the hydroponic farm to get more tomatoes, and then to the everything's a dollar store to get party hats for Shih Tzu's birthday party tomorrow, as well as lemon drops and butterscotch disks for Mother for Easter.

Our last stop was the WDCS for groceries and incidentals. Back home, we had a lunch of leftover corn chowder and bran muffins. Then I retreated to my office to write the letter to my classmate and make copies of the scrapbook pages.

By the time I was finished, it was time for a supper of tuna and egg salad sandwiches. At 6 p.m., Mother and I went to the FilmFest, held at a local college about a mile from us. Tonight, we saw a series of films by state artists.

The films included one about a theme park in our state that went defunct in the 1990s, and another about the trials and tribulations of promoting a diamond field. Other short films included a very well done one about the loss of a child (just images, no dialogue), and two about the cycle of life. We particularly enjoyed one done by an oriental artist that featured candles dancing to music...sort of like dancing water.

We were back home about 9 p.m. Hubbie and I watched a couple of one-hour shows before heading to bed.

Nice, sunny day today, though a tad cool. Yesterday at the museum, I bought a pumpkin colored t-shirt, with a yellow FilmFest logo on the front. Today, I wore the t-shirt over a yellow turtleneck. With a denim jacket, I was comfortable during the day, but the theater was pretty cool tonight, so I think I'll take a heavier jacket tomorrow night for the FilmFest concert.