Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, March 22

Up at 6:30 this morning to get ready for water aerobics. I think I'm adjusting a little to the time change, so it wasn't as hard to roll out of bed.

It was a rather cool morning, requiring a coat. The pool was a bit chilly, too. We understand that the college is keeping the temp down, because there is a swim meet there this week while the kids are on spring break.

Back home, Mother came over to put color in my hair. After that, she relaxed with her puzzle books while I got ready for the day. Later, I worked on scrapbook pages until lunchtime.

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran a couple of errands...first to a friend's house to pick up a bag of combination wheat and white flour. While Mother and I were visiting with her and another friend last week, she mentioned that she tried the flour and didn't like it. I agreed to take it off her hands, since we like making pancakes with this combination. But she forgot to give it to me before we left her house. So we played phone tag for a few days before she finally reached me this afternoon, just before we left to run errands.

From Friends's house, we went to the post office to mail the screen door birthday card to another of my friends. Then we stopped by a little shop that sells Jelly Belly jelly beans. I bought a half pound of these to give to Mother for Easter. She loves these, as well as butterscotch candies and lemon drops. I'll get some of each of those to add to her Easter basket, too.

I continued with my scrapbooking when we got back home. The project absorbed me most of the rest of the afternoon.

We had leftover beef roast and trimmings for supper. Mother went home after that, and Hubbie and I watched the movie, "Little Children," a 2006, R-rated film starring Kate Winslet, Jennifer Connelly, Greg Elelman, and Sadie Goldstein. An unhappy suburban wife starts an affair with a stay-at-home husband. Besides a steamy relationship between these two (that includes explicit sex scenes), the story also pivots on a pedophile in the neighborhood, and a vigilante determined to make his life miserable. The movie has a three-star rating, and Kate Winslet was nominated for an Academy Award for her role.