Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday, March 27

We were up at 7 a.m., but I skipped my exercises, so we could get ready for a visit from Daughter and Great-Granddaughter. They arrived around 10:30 a.m., bringing Great-Grandson with them.

Great-Grandson, a few months short of his second birthday, is a spitfire. He nearly wore Daughter out. He is a cutie, but he is absolutely never still. Daughter stayed on his heels for the three hours or so that they were here.

For lunch, we had chicken prepared in the slow cooker, baked sweet potatoes, steamed veggies, and yeast bread. Great-Grandson used most of his meal as projectiles, which he chucked at his Grandmother. At the end of the meal, her shirt was splotched with various foods.

Great-Grandson has the habit of throwing everything he picks up, so toys flew this way and that. We hope that he will soon outgrow this habit.

After lunch, we celebrated Shih Tzu's sixteenth birthday with party hats, candles, and a pineapple upside down cake. Before we enjoyed the cake, we all gathered around it with Shih Tzu for photos. Very thoughtful Great-Granddaughter even brought a gift for Shih Tzu...a soft, yellow, shaped-like-a-fish squeaky toy.

After that, we loaded into the two cars and headed to the college, where, according to our local newspaper, there was to be an Easter egg hunt at 2 p.m. on this mild, but windy, windy day. A group of parents, with kids and their baskets in tow, gathered at the place on campus indicated by the newspaper. No eggs were visible on the grounds, and no one was there who looked in charge.

So I hiked down to the library to inquire. A young woman, who said she was in charge, noted that the event is actually scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Apparently, the newspaper got the information wrong and then refused to correct it, saying it was too late for a correction.

Since there was to be no egg hunt, we loaded up again and went over to the college lake for a walk on the path. Mother was too tired to walk, so Daughter and I unloaded the wheelchair from the back of the van for her. I pushed Mother, while Daughter herded the kids.

I hope that this outing wore Great-Grandson down enough that he napped on the trip home. Daughter and kids left about 3 p.m.

At 3:30, Hubbie and I went down to the college for a FilmFest event...a feature about Cajun and zydeco music. Marc and Ann Savoy, noted Cajun musicians, were central to the film. An accompanying film featured a snapshot of the couple's career.

Both were in attendance at the screening and answered audience questions afterward. Tonight at 8 p.m., the couple and their family performed in concert. Hubbie and I are not really educated in this genre of music, but we were certainly willing to experience it, especially from such an esteemed group.

Before we left for the concert, warnings were issued on TV for a severe thunderstorm, possibly containing hail, for our county. But nothing developed before we left for the concert.

Addendum: no, nothing happened before we left for the waited until we got down to the college, a mile away. Then it cut loose. Hubbie drove up to the front of the auditorium to let me out while he went to park the van. As I stepped out of the van, a blowing cold rain, mixed with small hail, soaked the front of my jeans. I was carrying an umbrella, but the rain blew right under it.

I hurried inside. There were several wet folks standing in the lobby, including one man whose shirt was soaked through. Coming in behind me was a woman with a very large red and white umbrella that had blown inside out. Another woman was struggling to help her fix the umbrella, with the result that when it snapped right side out, it shot water into the faces of both. It was a comical sight.

In the meantime, Hubbie waited in the van until the storm abated before he came inside. I was already seated. Fortunately, the auditorium was heated so that my jeans dried after a while. I'm sure glad the air conditioning wasn't on, as it usually is. I did have the presence of mind to wear a turtleneck shirt and a fleece hoodie, so I was pretty comfortable.

It has just been one of those days. Hubbie had promised to gather daffodils yesterday afternoon for a bouquet, but forgot. So he went out this morning to do so. But many of the flowers he brought in were dirty from hanging down on the wet lawn. We finally got a nice bunch for the table, though.

Then when Daughter got here, she advised me that she had forgotten to bring the movie, "Up," despite my reminding her yesterday.

Of course the non-existent Easter egg hunt was another glitch. And then there was the rain storm tonight.

No matter. It was a good day, anyway.