Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday, April 27

Up at 8 a.m. on this chilly morning, and did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. After that, I spent an hour or so at my computer doing an expense reimbursement report for last week's photography residency at a local school, as well as other business.

Around 10:45 a.m., I went to the beauty shop for a haircut. My hairdresser's husband is the interim sheriff for our town, serving out the term of the former sheriff, who resigned for a better job. Elections are coming up, and she helped me decide on who to vote for as sheriff...of course her husband isn't a contender.

Back home around noon, I fixed scrambled egg substitute with onions and mushrooms for Hubbie's and my lunch. Had that with sliced tomatoes and cottage cheese, and half a whole wheat bagel.

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran a couple of errands...to the art gallery to deliver my expense report and take back the little digital camera the director left with us to take pictures of the students in their photography projects last week. We also stopped by the Extension Service office to leave a soil sample for analysis.

At home again, I went back upstairs to my office to do a few other computer tasks. I finished around 3:30 and came downstairs to visit with Mother.

Supper tonight was vegetable soup, using a new recipe from a health magazine I picked up at the health store recently. The lady at the store had tried the soup and said it was delicious. She was right...we really like it. And it made a large enough recipe that we have some leftover for Saturday night's supper. With the soup, we served toasted Italian bread spread with low-fat margarine blended with garlic powder and Parmesan cheese.

Mother went home after that, and Hubbie and I watched TV. A few one-hour shows, including "Dancing with the Stars."