Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday, April 6

Today is Great-Granddaughter's birthday. Happy Birthday, Great-Granddaughter!

Had trouble going to sleep last night, and when I did, I had trouble staying asleep. We were up at 6:30, so Hubbie could get ready to meet an 8:30 appointment with his dentist. Seems several of his front teeth were so thin, they were in danger of breaking, so he has to have crowns. Today, he was fitted with temporary ones.

I was so wiped out this morning that I skipped my exercises. Mother came over around 9:30 to create a greeting card. I printed a pattern and instructions from the Internet for making a Christmas tree pop-up card, and she worked on it while I got ready for the day.

Before lunch, I gathered some things related to a photography residency I'm scheduled to conduct at a local school the week after next. I'm having trouble, though, getting my contact at the school to respond to my requests about adequate space at the school to set up a darkroom, and about how many students I'll have in each session, and how long each session will be. I've been told I'll have third or fourth graders for 40 minutes each session, and fifth or sixth graders for eighty minutes each session. But I have no idea what hours of the day the sessions are scheduled, or how many will be in each class.

Hubble got home around noon. We had a lunch of leftovers, and then Hubbie and I ran a few errands...to the dry cleaners, to the post office, to a home improvement store, and to the WDCS to pick up items I'll need for the photography residency. At the home improvement store we bought a junior hacksaw for cutting the thick cardboard of heavy shoe boxes...I use the boxes as "tripods" to hold oatmeal box pinhole cameras.

It was close to suppertime when we got back home. Supper was spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread. Yum. Mother went home afterward. Before Hubbie and I settled in to watch TV, we went out to the yard to cut a bouquet of lilacs for the dining room table. They smell so nice...a natural air freshener for the house.

Tonight's TV fare was a couple of one-hour shows, followed by episodes of "Dancing with the Stars," and "Lost."