Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday, May 3

I mentioned in my Saturday post that I didn't feel like doing anything the rest of the day after we got home from a Habitat for Humanity yard sale. I felt like I weighed a ton, and it was difficult putting one foot in front of the other. I attributed it to the barometric pressure, since thunderstorms and possible tornadoes were predicted.

By 6 p.m., though, I began feeling chilled and had creepy-crawly skin. I simply couldn't get warm, no matter how many clothes I put on, or how many layers of afghans I wrapped myself in.

Before long, I had a raging fever, obviously the result of a bug. Spent a miserable Saturday night and all day Sunday being sick. This was a particularly nasty bug that weakened me to the point I was woozy and wobbly when I tried to walk to the bathroom. Fortunately, though, I didn't suffer an upset stomach or diarrhea.

Today, I'm feeling much better, though drained of energy. Several family members, including some of the very young ones, have suffered this bug, but I fervently hope that Mother doesn't get it. Of course, I don't want Hubbie to get it, either, but he'd be better able to tolerate it than Mother.

Wouldn't you know, this is the last week of water aerobics before the college dismisses for summer break, and I won't be able to attend. Even if I feel much better by Wednesday, I don't want to risk a relapse by getting in that cold pool.

Spent the evening watching TV, including "Dancing with the Stars."