Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday, June 25

Up at 6:30 to go to water aerobics. The water felt wonderful, and I loved the workout. My friend brought me another bag of plums, too, which was a bonus. I sorted through them when I got home for ones to eat, ones to put in the freezer, and ones to discard.

Once I was ready for the day, I helped Mother come over to our house. Her wooziness seems to have abated, but she is walking very, very slowly. I sure hope she can gain some strength back in her legs soon. But since she sits almost the entire day, I'm afraid her muscles are atrophying. Also, she gets winded after a short walk, like from her house to our house.

Spent the rest of the morning doing laundry and other household chores. After lunch, I kept Mother company for a while, and then got ready to go to a retirement party for a woman Hubbie and I worked with before we retired.

It was a very nice gathering. The ladies had done a good job of decorating. The retiree is interested in gardening, so the tables were set with colorful little plastic watering cans holding flowers and flower seed packets. Fresh garden flowers were arranged in metal watering cans, set in the corners of the room. The refreshment table featured punch in a metal bucket, plastic wear in clay pots lined with colorful tissue paper, and yellow, green, and pink napkins.

Refreshments, besides the punch, was chocolate sheet cake, iced in the theme colors, a fruit and dip tray, and a veggie and dip tray.

The gift table included a large basket of gardening tools, gloves, seed packets, and other things, probably put together by the employees. The retiree questioned Hubbie on how to become involved in the Master Gardener program, so we hope she'll want to take the MG training in February.

Part of the festivities included gathering current employees of the agency, plus those of us who have retired, for a group photo. There aren't many current employees left that we know anymore...all the old ones have retired or gone on to their rewards.

Got back home around 3 p.m. Didn't do a lot for the rest of the afternoon. We had whole wheat pancakes for supper, after which Mother was ready to go home.

Hubbie and I spent the evening watching TV, of course. Tonight, we saw "Crazy Heart," from the pay-per-view was a free bonus offering from our cable company, given to us because when our DVR player had to be replaced, everything I'd recorded was lost.

"Crazy Heart," a 2009, R-rated movie, stars Jeff Bridges and Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Robert Duvall. A has-been, alcoholic country music star forms a relationship with a young divorcee and her four-year-old son. Just as his life starts to look up, it plummets again.

Note re: refrigerator: when Hubbie tried to use the microwave oven this morning, he discovered it wasn't working. So he checked the breaker, which had apparently been thrown in the thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. So now both the microwave and the fridge work. Good thing we didn't find and purchase a refrigerator we liked at the home improvement store last night!

Note two: am I the only one who has difficulty setting water resistance watches? My old watch quit working, so I unearthed one I'd bought several months ago and tried to set it tonight. I'd lost the written instructions, so I looked up instructions online. Followed them explicitly and still had difficulty. After 30 minutes of fiddling with it, I finally (accidentally) set it.