Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday, Aug. 2

Up at 6:30 this morning again, because Hubbie needed to take the van to another town for repairs to satisfy a recall notice. He left around 8 a.m., and I did a treadmill session and resistance exercises while he was gone.

Once I was ready for the day, I searched again for the missing dinner-theater voucher. I went through Hubbie's briefcase paper by individual paper, but the tickets weren't there. So I went through my purse again, and lo, folded and tucked behind my check register was the voucher. I immediately called Hubbie and apologized for accusing him of losing it.

Then I called the theater, hoping to get reservations for either this Friday or Saturday night. Unfortunately, the show..."Guys and Dolls" sold out, and this is the last weekend for it. But the reservation clerk said that if enough people are interested in seeing the show, the theater is considering performing again on Sunday afternoon, but without a meal.

I agreed that I want to be notified if there is to be a show on Sunday, though I hate we can't take advantage of the dinner aspect of it. However, a show-only ticket will be less expensive for Mother (which I would have paid for anyway). If we get to see the show, we will go to the town early enough to eat at a favorite restaurant.

I would have planned to see this show sometime in August, except it would have been too hot to leave Shih Tzu in the car. Friday and Saturday are supposed to be cooler in the evenings, so that the dog could have stayed in the van. If we go on Sunday, we'll leave Shih Tzu home, because we can feed her before lunch, and then be home before her evening feeding. She's so old that she'll sleep the afternoon away.

Hopefully, we'll know tomorrow if there's to be a show on Sunday.

Before Hubbie got home, I started cleaning the closet in my office. I sorted through all my shoes, discarding a big bag full, and bagging three pairs for donation to a secondhand store.

Hubbie got home right after I finished that project. After lunch, we ran a couple of the WDCS, where I bought a plastic tote to store 30 years of calendars, and pick up a few groceries, including counry ribs and a bottle of barbecue sauce for our Labor Day dinner on Monday. From there, we went to a pharmacy to pick a medication for Mother. Had to stand in line forever, since a new employee was being trained. Have to be patient with new employees...we've all been there.

At home, I continued to work on cleaning the office closet, beginning with storing the calendars in the tote. We keep our calendars each year, because they are a history of events and activities of our lives, and we have frequently referred to them to verify birth dates, check on when we've had surgeries, etc.

Then Hubbie and I sorted out a jumble of purses and clothing hangers, putting the purses in a tote, and tying the hangers together to keep them from mating with each other. Empty boxes and the like went to the trash. Hubbie likes to keep boxes that electronics come in, in case we have to send the item off for repair, which means we get an accumulation of boxes. The items to some boxes in my closet are long gone, though, so I was glad to ditch those. I'm left with only one empty box, now, thank goodness. The closet looks nice and organized now.

When we'd finished with the closet, Hubbie gathered the two female cats that had been spayed last week and took them to the vet to have the stitiches removed. He also took two of the kittens to be seen, since one of them is sneezing. The vet ordered an antibiotic for them. Wow, they really don't like the medication and fought Hubbie when he administered it.

Mother stayed home today, but later she came over to help put leftovers in the oven for our supper. It was a real carbohydrate-load smorgasbord tonight, with choices of macaroni and cheese, noodles topped with autumn stew, mashed potatoes and salisbury steak gravy, Spanish rice, spinach, English peas, and Chinese beets. But it was all good.

Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I watched the first football game of the season between our local high school team and a nearby town. The game was broadcast by our local newspaper's online site, and we watched it on my laptop. Our team won.