Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday, Sept.1

Up at 6:30 on this first day of September, to get ready for water aerobics. I arrived a little earlier today, so I had more time to swim in the deep end before the session began. The water is still cool, but okay once I'm in it. The dressing room is another story...freezing in there, especially in a wet swimsuit.

Back home, once I was ready for the day, Mother came over. Hubbie and I ran a couple of errands before lunch. First we hand delivered a financial report to the Extension Services office. Each club, including our scrapbook club, is required to report income and expenses, under a Federal ID number, even though EH clubs have very small treasuries, and no inventory to report. Our club, for instance, has been in existence for five years, and has a treasury of less than $100, most of which will be used to pay dues, purchase Christmas stockings for a charity, and buy gasoline to travel to other towns for educational events.

The report was due today. I failed to complete it, because I thought our club didn't have anything of value to report. But the ES agent called yesterday saying that we had to report even our piddling funds.

From there, we stopped by a grocery store for a few items, and then came home.

After lunch, Hubbie made campground reservations for a trip to Branson in a few months, and I made reservations for the five shows that we plan to see. Took me a long time to jigsaw puzzle the shows into the days we will be there, but I finally did it. I had hoped to do only one show each day, but Hubbie didn't want to stay an extra day, so we'll do an afternoon and an evening show on one of the days. Hope that won't stress Mother too much, though she insisted that she wanted to attend every show.

Got an e-mail from the Caring Hands coordinator saying that we will be doing a greeting card making session on the evening of Sept. 9. She remarked that the organization particularly needs birthday cards, so that's what we'll be making.

While I was nailing down the Branson shows, Mother began making greeting cards. She used wallpaper samples as backgrounds (I'd unearthed the samples while cleaning my office). She'll finish decorating the cards at the meeting.

Later, for supper, we had salisbury steaks, with mashed potatoes, and spinach and English peas as sides.

Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I relaxed in front of TV.