Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday, Oct. 25

Up at 6:30 to go to water aerobics. At the parking lot, however, our aerobics leader was waiting to inform us that there would be no session today, because the temperature in the pool is only 77 degrees. So there will be no swimming until further notice.

I returned home, but did not get on the treadmill. Decided I should get ready for the day, in case Hubbie's daughter decided to visit on her way home. But she called and said she wouldn't be able to come by today.

So I spent time on my computer working on family tree information and adding details to yesterday's blog.

Mother came over mid-morning, and we made a pot of tomato soup to have for lunch. We made a double batch, so there will be plenty for another one or two lunches. After lunch, Mother went out to gather herbs to be dried, before a frost comes along and kills the plants.

Also, since the vines have died, Hubbie and I gathered the acorn-type squash that volunteered from the compost heap. We got five squashes...not so many that Hubbie needed my assistance, but he just wanted my company in the yard.

Around 3 p.m., I took Mother to the eye center at the WDCS to get her glasses adjusted. But wouldn't you know it, the optician was out and wouldn't be back until 4 p.m. The last time we visited the center, we arrived at 1 p.m. and were told that the optician was out to lunch and would be back at 2 p.m., as was his usual schedule. So today, I decided to wait an extra hour to be sure he was there. No dice. Guess I should have called ahead, even though it's a drop in service.

Two wasted trips in one day. Phooey.

Mother went back to her house after we returned, and I did this and that around the house for the rest of the afternoon, while Hubbie took Shih Tzu to the vet. She has a chronic cough and a skin disorder, and her appetite has declined to the point that she has lost a lot of weight.

The vet prescribed an appetite stimulant and medication for her cough, but he reminded Hubbie that time is running out. We know this, but we are not ready to accept it.

Later, Hubbie and I went to an annual meeting/dinner of our farmer's insurance company, held at the college down the road from us. Speakers were in high praise of the farmers and ranchers in our state. I wish our meal could have reflected the bounty of the farmers and ranchers, which might have been healthier choices than the deep fried catfish, chicken strips, hush puppies, and French fries. I would have appreciated the choice of a baked potato at least. As it was, I ate the coleslaw, a hush puppy, and what fish and chicken I could salvage after peeling away the breading.

We probably wouldn't have gone to the function, if we'd known the officials were not going to discuss three constitutional amendments to be voted on at the November election. We were hoping to get more enlightenment on the amendments before going to the polls. But I guess we'll have to research the subjects elsewhere.

The event ended around 7 p.m., and we returned home to watch TV for the rest of the evening.