Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday, Oct. 26

Today is Daughter-in-Law's birthday. Happy birthday, Daughter-in-Law!

Awoke early this morning to the sound of rain, a welcome sound, since we have been in a drought for so many weeks. I snuggled back under the covers to snooze a while longer, and then got up around 7:30. The rain had stopped, and the sun shone. Everything looked fresh and clean.

The morning reminded me of an anecdote I heard while I was downtown last Saturday. As I was about to leave an antique/flea market store, one of the vendors pointed to a young mother, and a little girl about 4 years old, at the checkout counter. The mother told the vendor that when the little girl awoke that morning, she looked out a window and exclaimed to her mother, "Look, Mommy! It's a new day!"

That's how I felt this morning.

After breakfast, I did a treadmill session and weights exercises. Once I was ready for the day, I took Mother to the vision center at the WDCS to get her glasses adjusted (yes, I called ahead this time).

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran errands...to the pharmacy, and then back to the WDCS for groceries to satisfy our menu for the week.

Back home, we spent the afternoon watching two Dracula movies...."Dracula 2000," starring Christopher Plummer, Gerard Butler, and Johnny Lee Miller, and "Bram Stoker's Dracula," starring Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder, and Anthony Hopkins.

As we were watching the movies, our friend who lives about an hour and a half away, called to say she is in town visiting our other friend, and would Mother and I be free to go to lunch with them tomorrow. We look forward to seeing them both.

Supper tonight was leftover lasagna with spring mix salad and grape tomatoes. For dessert, we enjoyed individual cups of Italian lemon ice and cups of coffee. I picked up the package of ices on impulse while we were at the WDCS this afternoon. They contain only 60 calories each, with no fat and no sodium.

As we were having supper, the TV news reported that the dining hall at the college where I go to water aerobics was on fire. This building houses the student center and bookstore, among other things. It was reported that the building is totally destroyed. We're sick about it.