Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday, Nov. 24

Up around 7:30 and did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. Once I was ready for the day, I baked a cherry pie for tomorrow's feast.

Mother came over mid-morning, and since there were no other pressing chores to be done before tomorrow, we chose a jigsaw puzzle for her to work on. I figured if she occupied her mind with a puzzle, it would help keep her calm. She tends to get all excited and stressed on holidays. Playing with the puzzle seemed to work, because she was pretty laid back all day.

After a ham sandwich lunch (we tend to sample holiday foods the day before the feast), Hubbie and I ran errands. It was an uncommonly warm afternoon, and a fine mist lay over the hill leading up to the college, lending an air of mystery to the business building and its looming-skyward bell tower, and to the chapel, with it's spire jutting into the gray.

Our first stop was at a restaurant, where I picked up yeast rolls for tomorrow. The rolls were hot right out of the oven and smelled heavenly.

On the way to the restaurant, Hubbie discovered he'd forgotten his checkbook, so we swung back by home to get it. Since we were there, we sampled one of the hot yeast rolls...splitting one among us, since they were baked in three sections.

Then we went to the WDCS for a couple of grocery items and some cat food. We also bought a large slow cooker, since the one we ordered online didn't arrive. When the one we ordered finally does arrive, I guess we'll send it right back.

Back home, Mother continued to work on her puzzle, Hubbie watched TV, and I played on my office computer. An email from the Caring Hands Hospice director announced that the greeting card making group will meet on Dec. 8. So I decided to print some of my winter photos to use for the project.

Supper tonight was beef hash with eggs that Son and Daughter-in-Law gave us last weekend when they were here. The eggs were from chickens they raise, and they were delicious.

Mother went home after supper, and Hubbie and I relaxed in front of TV.