Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tuesday,Dec. 28

Up late, around 8:30, and did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. Mother came over mid-morning and worked on a winter-themed jigsaw puzzle. In the meantime, Hubbie loaded a couple of tables and eight chairs into the truck and took them to a downtown business. We'd borrowed the tables and chairs to accommodate Hubbie's family when they were here Sunday.

Once I was ready for the day, I played at my office computer for a while, after which it was lunchtime.

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran errands...to the dry cleaners, to the cable TV office, and to the WDCS. As we were looking for a parking space at the WDCS, we noticed two interlocked escapee shopping carts careening down the drive lane. They gathered speed as they approached, but before they reached us, they turned and slammed into the side of a car, leaving little dents. The car's owner was probably pretty ticked off when he or she saw it.

We never know what we'll see at the WDCS. The day before Christmas Eve we made a shopping trip to the store, and as we entered, a young man in military garb walked in right behind us. We heard squeals as a young woman ran past us and flung herself into the arms of the young man. As she clung to him, several of their friends approached and happily began talking with him. Nice.

Back home, I went back to my office computer and uploaded Christmas photos to a social network page, which took quite a while, since the program only wanted to accept two or three at a time.

Later, for supper, we had hamburger/turkey burger patties for supper, with macaroni and cheese and corn on the cob. Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I watched TV.

Tonight, we saw the 2009, R-rated movie, "Stolen," starring Jon Hamm and John Lucas. A cop's son disappears eight years earlier, and now the buried body of a young boy murdered more than half a century before is discovered. The cop becomes obsessed with solving the case, with thoughts that it could somehow be connected to his own son.

After that, we watched an episode of "Lark Rise to Candleford," from the PBS channel.