Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Day, 2011

Happy New Year, everyone!

Since we were up so late last night, we slept late this morning, and I skipped my exercises. Woke up with a sore throat. Thought it might be from shouting above the loud music of the band last night, but actually, I woke up with a mildly sore throat yesterday morning, too. And I've been sneezing a little today. So either I'm developing a cold, or I have an allergy. We'll see. I don't feel bad, so it's probably an allergy.

Anyway, I stayed in my bathrobe all morning. Mother came over around 10 a.m. and put a pork roast in the slow cooker. Then we watched the Rose Parade, and the animated feature, "Happy New Year, Charlie Brown!"

By that time, it was noon. Hubbie had peeled potatoes, and after they were boiled, I mashed them. We had the roast pork and potatoes with gravy, black eyed peas, and applesauce. Traditionally in the south, cabbage should be served too, but Mother and I just weren't up to that vegetable today.

After lunch, Mother and I worked on her jigsaw puzzle. Mid-afternoon, we stopped to have cups of the chai tea that Sis brought to us, with chocolate candies that Hubbie's daughter brought last Saturday. To keep from being further tempted by it, I bagged the rest of the candy for the freezer.

While Mother and I played with the puzzle, Hubbie slept through the Capital One Bowl football game between Alabama and Michigan State. Around 3 p.m., after Mother and I planned the menu for next week, she went home, and I joined Hubbie in watching the Rose Bowl game between Texas and Wisconsin.

Later, we had a supper of cold roast pork sandwiches, and then continued watching football on TV.