Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Handmade Valentines

These are some of the valentine greeting cards that Mother and I made yesterday and today for Caring Hands Hospice. In the top photo, the upper left hand card features a combination of hearts made from handmade paper, and rubber stamping; the upper right hand card features a rubber stamped "XOXO," with hearts created with a punch and a template..."hugs" and "kisses" are hand printed on them; and the bottom photo features one of my photos with punched hearts declaring "Hugs for you." In the second photo, the pink card features a wallpaper sample background, pink hearts, a ribbon, and the saying "It's the smallest things that fill your heart." The two cards beside that one also feature wallpaper sample backgrounds, with punched hearts, and sticker letters spelling out "Love." All three of the cards in the third photo feature wallpaper backgrounds, with two featuring punched hearts, and the other featuring one of my photos of a pair of trumpeter swans. The fourth photo shows use of two punches...one for the hearts, and one for the border design, plus the same saying as before; the card beside it shows a card stock background and another of my photos of a trumpeter swan. Most of the cards are my designs, but Mother glued the wallpaper samples to the cards and helped glue element details to them. Her creative juices don't seem to be flowing right now, but maybe she'll get in the mood when we meet with the other Caring Hands volunteers and the ladies who are residents of the independent living center where we'll meet tomorrow morning.