Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday, Feb. 5

Today is Daughter-in-Law's birthday. Happy Birthday, Daughter-in-Law!

Awoke around 7:30 a.m. to a couple of inches of snow on the ground, but the sun came out pretty early and the temperature rose, so it started melting. By around 2 p.m., there wasn't much of it left. I decided not to bother going out to snap pictures this time. Did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast, instead.

Before I got on the treadmill, I called Mother on the intercom. I was sure she'd probably want to stay home today, since it had snowed, but instead she said, "Why would I want to stay home?" Huh? Who is this the past, a single snowflake would have kept her indoors! So Hubbie accompanied her to our house, where she set up a jigsaw puzzle to work on.

Other than playing on my office computer, and doing some laundry and other household chores, we didn't accomplish much today. Mother and I started a couple of pots of 11-bean soup with ham and Rotel simmering, which we'll put in the freezer later. The soups are for a birthday gathering at Son and Daughter-in-Law's at the end of the month.

Vegged for the afternoon, and then made bran muffins to go with chicken noodle soup for supper. Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I vegged some more in front of TV. We watched our favorite college basketball team play to another discouraging loss.