Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, March 7

Up at 7:30 and did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. Mother came over about 9 a.m. and worked on her jigsaw puzzle while I got ready for the day. I spent the rest of the morning doing household chores.

After a chicken noodle soup lunch, Hubbie and I ran a grocery store for cottage cheese, to the bank, to a pharmacy to pick up a prescription, and to another pharmacy to use coupons for incidentals. Buying $20 worth at this store entitled us to a $5 discount from AARP.

From there, we went to the post office to mail a flash drive back to the high school classmate who sent it to me, and then on to the WDCS to shop for groceries for both Mother and ourselves. Then we went to a gas station, and ended at a vet clinic to pick up dog food.

Back home, I joined Mother in working on the jigsaw puzzle. Even after cataract surgery, Mother's eyesight leaves something to be desired, so I had to remove several puzzle pieces that were in the wrong places and substitute them with the correct pieces. It's no wonder she can't see how the pieces fit, though, since the puzzle is a photo of her white cat against a dark to black background.

Still, she had gotten quite a lot of it done. The border has been an absolute stinker, though...even Sis and Nephew had trouble with it while they were here, and there is still a section of it that isn't fitting together right. We finally had to abandon the border and work the inside of the puzzle first, hoping the border would finally fall into place. It hasn't so far.

Later, we had a supper of leftover biscuits with gravy, sauteed potatoes, and scrambled egg substitute. Mother went home afterward.

Around 6:30, Hubbie and I went down to the college about a mile from our house for a performance of "Masters of Motown." Three men and three women, accompanied by a three-man band, performed the music of the Temptations, the Supremes, Smokey Robinson and the Miracles, Martha Reeves and the Vandellas, the Jackson Five, and Gladys Knight and the Pips.

The group performed to a nearly full house. It was a totally appreciative audience, that was most captivated by the tiny woman who performed Gladys Knight. She couldn't have weighed more than 90 pounds, but wow what a voice! She brought down the house.

We were pleased to run into a couple we know from when we worked with the husband many years ago at an agency for the blind and visually impaired. He and his wife are also retired, and live part of the year in a town about twenty miles from us, and part of the year in Florida. This man is totally blind, and I was his secretary when I first went to work for the agency in our state's capital city.

The program ended around 9 p.m., and we were back home five minutes later. We watched a couple of TV shows, and then headed to bed.