Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday, March 8

I was up around 7 a.m. this morning, and did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast.

Mother came over around 9 a.m. and worked on the jigsaw puzzle. I joined her in this activity once I was ready for the day. Finally, after working on this puzzle since last Saturday, Mother put the last few pieces in. I took pictures of it and posted one on my social network page.

What a chilly, rainy, dreary day. Made me want to crawl back into bed and cover my head. But I didn't. I didn't accomplish much, though, beyond making haircut appointments for Mother and myself, e-mailing an RSVP to my Alma Mater college to accept an invitation to attend a reception in April for the 50th anniversary of the college's honor society (I'm a 1990 inductee) and order tickets to film festival events later this month.

While I did this, Hubbie went to a home improvement store to buy a fluorescent light kit for the storage room, as well as bulbs for the kitchen unit...that one quit working last night. Hubbie hired an electrician to come and install the light in the storage room ceiling and repair the one in the kitchen.

He arrived around 9:30, but before he could get started on the task, he got an emergency call from one of the funeral homes and had to go tend to it. He returned after lunch to finish the job.

Mother made chicken salad from one of the boiled breasts she'd cooked for chicken noodle soup last Saturday, which we had in sandwiches for lunch today, before the repairman came back.

We idled the afternoon away...nobody was in the mood to do anything. Later, for supper, we heated leftover veggies, which we had with homemade macaroni and cheese. Mother went home afterward.

Later, around 7 p.m., I went to a community theater meeting. I debated whether I wanted to go or not, since it was still raining and there was a tornado watch, and then just as I was leaving the house it began lightening and thundering, but I girded my loin and went on.

Obviously, other members were not so brave, because only five of us and two guests showed up. We discussed possible upcoming productions, but did not vote on them since there wasn't a quorum.

At 8 p.m., the meeting adjourned. The board president had brought a king cake, left over from a church mardi gras party she'd attended before our meeting. I didn't eat any, but I brought a couple of small pieces home for Hubbie. Also, the lady at whose home we met sent me home with several jigsaw puzzles for Mother.

While I was gone, Hubbie entertained himself watching a basketball game. When I returned, we watched a couple of one-hour TV shows before bedtime.