Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday, June 26

Up around 7:30, but skipped my exercises this morning. Mother came over around 9 a.m. While I was getting ready for the day, Hubbie came upstairs to say that the blossoms on the squash plants were open and very pretty, and I might want to take pictures of them.

So I grabbed my camera later and went outdoors. The squash blossoms are very pretty...and abundant. I hope that's an indication of how much yellow squash we'll get.

Since I was outdoors, I snapped photos of Hubbie standing near a very tall tomato plant, and then went around the yard shooting images of various flowers and plants.Then I uploaded a few of the shots to my social network page.

After that, I ordered prints of the photos from the one-hour service. Then I worked on another scrapbook page...this one features our house and shade garden in the summertime. Once I get the photos from the one-hour service, I can finish the summer pages, and work on fall pages.

Later, Mother fixed a wonderful fried chicken lunch that included fried green tomatoes. Hubbie peeled potatoes to boil, and I mashed them when they were cooked, and made white gravy. Corn on the cob completed the meal. So good, if not the healthiest lunch.

Afterward, Mother worked on a greeting card, while Hubbie and I shopped at the WDCS for groceries and incidentals. When we got back, Mother went home, and we settled in to watch a 2008 movie on TV..."The Accidental Husband," from the Lifetime Movie Network. A radio host advises a caller to break up with her boyfriend, which prompts the boyfriend to take revenge. Naturally, the two become attracted to each other.

Around 8:30 p.m., we went to the college to attend a free outdoor movie..."Mama Mia," sponsored by the arts council. I have a DVD of this movie, which we've watched two or three times, but it's such a delightful musical, that we were willing support the arts council in attending another showing of it.

About 25 folks showed up...several of them Upward Bound high school students, on campus for a few weeks. It was a wonderful night for being outdoors, warm but not sultry, with a pleasant breeze. Glitch: the sprinkler system went off near the back of the building where the movie screen was mounted, and while it didn't sprinkle the screen, it did spray the projector. The arts council director, and another lady helping her, rushed to cover the sprinkler with a blanket. All was well after that.

We were back home around 10:30, ready to hit the sack. Busy day tomorrow.