Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday, July 16

Slept well last night and got up around 7:30. Did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. Mother came over while I was getting ready for the day, but we didn't do much for the morning.

I took a stroll around the yard with Hubbie, scouting out what flowers might be available to make an arrangement for next week's fair. Not much out there...the heat has done in most of the flowering plants. But there are a few I think I can use, if they are still flowering by then.

Other than doing a couple of loads of laundry and fixing lunch, I was unproductive. After lunch, we all hopped in the van and traveled several miles to a nearby town, where we bought watermelons and cantaloupes from our favorite melon farmer.

Back home, we sampled one of the watermelons, and then we relaxed...Mother with a puzzle book, Hubbie sleeping in his recliner, and I playing on my computer and e-reader.

Later, we had breakfast-for-supper again...this time Ziplock bag omelets, with biscuits and gravy, and servings of cantaloupe. This was one of those nights when things didn't quite go as desired. The biscuits browned on the top, but were doughy on the bottom, I didn't make enough gravy to suit Hubbie (who likes it on his cantaloupe), and the cantaloupe itself was not as ripe as we'd have liked.

As for the biscuits, we're wondering if an element in the oven isn't heating properly, because when I made a batch of bran muffins a week or so ago, six of them browned just right, but the six on the other side of the pan browned too much.

Mother went home after supper, and Hubbie and I settled in front of TV.