Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday, July 12

Slept late this morning, until around 8 a.m. Skipped my exercises, because the treadmill is in the spare bedroom, where Daughter was sleeping.

Mother came over while I was getting ready for the day, and after Daughter got up, we visited until lunch time. After lunch, Hubbie and I ran errands...to the auto shop to check on Daughter's car, to the newspaper office to drop off the word search puzzle contest, and to the WDCS for a few groceries.

At the auto shop, we were told that the mechanic couldn't find anything wrong with Daughter's car beyond a loose battery cable, which he tightened. Daughter had been having trouble starting the car, as well as with the car stalling when it idled. The mechanic started and stopped the engine, and idled it several times, without encountering a problem. So later today, Hubbie and Daughter went to the shop to retrieve the car.

There was no charge, and I hope the problem has been solved. Had Daughter let an auto parts store/shop in her town do what they wanted to do, we'd have been faced with a $560 alternator job.

Back home after running errands, I started a pot of spaghetti sauce simmering, and then completed tags for Mother's and my county fair entries. Mother usually likes to do this task herself, but she wasn't feeling up to snuff today...complained of dizziness and a backache.

The nurse at the doctor's office called today to say Mother's blood work was fine, but there was a small amount of blood in her urine. Mother is to hydrate really well and then return to the clinic for a follow-up urine test in two weeks. I'm thinking she might have a bit of a bladder infection that might be causing her backache.

Later, I boiled spaghetti and made a salad for supper. Everybody seemed to enjoy the meal. There was enough spaghetti left for me to send home with Daughter, and enough sauce to make another meal for us tomorrow night.

Daughter left about 6 p.m. to travel to her town, about two hours south, and Mother went to her house.

Around 6:45, I went to a community theater board meeting. Tonight, new board members were seated, and some members whose terms expired this year stayed on, but I opted to decline. After 30 years, it's time to hand the reins over to younger, more enthusiastic folks. It'll be sufficient for me to simply attend the performances.

It's a little like saying goodbye to an old friend to leave the community theater, but come the winter, I'll be glad not to have to leave my warm house to go to night meetings. With my leaving, there are now only two members left on the board who have served as long or longer than I.

Back home, Hubbie and I watched the 2009 Lifetime Movie Network feature, "Crimes of the Past," Starring Eric Roberts and Elizabeth Rohm. A father says goodbye to his young daughter, promising he will return, but he never does, until she is grown. Turns out he was a CIA operative forced into retirement from a severe wound. He wants to re-establish a relationship with his daughter, but is it too late?