Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday, July 10

Up around 7 a.m., but skipped my exercises again, so I could get ready to go with Hubbie to another town about two hours east, to visit his niece and her family, who are here from Sweden. Daughter agreed to stay the day with Mother and Shih Tzu while we were gone.

We arrived at the other town around 10:30, and stopped by Hubbie's sister's house for a few minutes, before we all traveled the couple of blocks to the church where Hubbie's daughter presented her Uganda trip slide show. This is about the fifth time I've seen her presentation, though this time she had added a map, and a video clip of the people at the Uganda mission singing during a church service.

After the presentation and church service, the ladies of the church provided a barbecue lunch, with homemade baked beans, coleslaw, and macaroni and cheese, along with purchased potato salad. Desserts included an array of fruits (leftover from a wedding shower the church hosted yesterday), as well as cream pies, brownies, and a really good grape salad that the ladies had prepared.

Following lunch, we returned to Hubbie's sister's house, where some family members were preparing a birthday party for the visiting nephews. Naturally, those of us who'd attended the lunch at church weren't interested in partaking of the hot dogs, chips and dips, and cake for the party.

By this time, it was around 2:30, and time to head home. I called Mother before we left and learned that Daughter had everything well in hand. We arrived back home around 4:30.

Mother had fixed a supper of slow cooker chicken, which we had with leftover mashed potatoes, steamed zucchini/yellow squash, and green beans, as well as sliced tomatoes and cottage cheese.

Once again, the girls ate heartily. Afterward, Daughter was ready to pack it in and head to her town, about two hours south.

Mother went home, and Hubbie and I settled in front of TV. We tried a couple of movies I'd recorded on DVR, but after watching about thirty minutes of each one, decided we didn't like them, so I landed on a one-hour show to take us up to news time.

It was busy, but good weekend. Tomorrow will be busy, too, since I'll go to water aerobics in the morning, and then meet with my Literacy Council student for a session tomorrow afternoon.