Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday, August 15

Congratulations to all the kids in the family who experienced "firsts" today...first day of kindergarten, first day of first grade, first day of high school, first day of the last year of high school!

We were up at 6 a.m. this morning, so I could get ready to go to water aerobics. Thanks to students on compus for basketball and soccer games, parking was at a premium. I imagine parking will be at a premium from now on through the school year, so I'll get a little more exercise hiking down to the gym, and then uphill to my van afterward. The pool was chilly this morning, but felt fine once I was in it for a few minutes. About 25 of us showed up this morning, more than any day previously.

It was a pleasantly cool morning for walking to and from the pool, and continued to be pleasant throughout the day.

Back home, Mother came over around 11 a.m. After I finished stowing our card-making supplies, we spent the rest of the morning visiting, while I caught her up-to-date on family news, and the news of our friend in Springfield.

After lunch, I went shopping at our local greeting card shop, where I didn't find anything I wanted. From there, I went to the store that has a sale every weekend to look for a pair of dressy black slacks. I found a pair I like and used a
$10 coupon and a gift card to buy them.

Back home, Mother had put together a meatloaf, which we had for supper with mashed potatoes, green beans, and sliced tomaotes. She also made rice pudding from the rice leftover from last night's supper.

Mother went home right after supper, taking a helping of the rice pudding with her for a snack later. We were all too full to eat the dessert after our meal.

The garden tomato vines, as well as the squash vines, have now quit producing. We didn't get many squash this year...enough yellow squash for a couple of meals, and a couple of patty pan squash. But we got lots of tomatoes. We'll really miss those.
Looks like we'll get several butternut squash. They aren't ready to harvest yet, since they are a fall vegetable. It'll be September, maybe october, before we can enjoy those.