Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saturday, Jan. 7

Since it was after midnight last night before we headed to bed (up late watching our favorite college football team in a bowl game that I'd recorded on DVR), we didn't get up this morning until around 8 a.m.

Right after breakfast, I started two pans of 11-bean soup simmering. Then did other things around the house. Never did get around to exercising, though I'd suited up for it. Just didn't feel in the mood.

Got ready for the day, by which time it was noon. Hubbie had accompanied Mother to our house, so I fixed Ramen noodle soup for her, and heated the rest of the leftover stir-fry and rice for Hubbie and me.

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran a couple of the WDCS for a few things, and to the greeting card shop.

Back home, I spent most of the afternoon relaying information about my ex-husband's condition (based on my Daughter-in-Law's phone calls) to my daughter, whose phone and laptop are temporarily down. She communicated with me via a friend's laptop.

For supper, I boiled macaroni to add to the remainder of the tomato soup, which we had with slices of French bread.

Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I watched TV for a while. At 8 p.m., we watched our favorite college basketball team play to a win. Since we couldn't get the game on TV, we watched it on my laptop, and turned on the radio for commentator play-by-play, because the sound on my laptop is not strong enough for Hubbie to hear adequately.