Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday, April 13

Today is Friday the 13th. It's said that 17 to 21 million people in the U.S. have a diagnosable phobia of Friday the 13th, a malady that's called figgatriskaidekaphobia. I wouldn't want to be plagued with something I can't even pronounce!

We were up at 6:30 so I could get ready to go to water aerobics, and Hubbie could get ready to go to the armory, a short distance down the road from our house, to help set up for the Master Gardener plant sale tomorrow.

I noticed on my trip to the gym that some of the fields are abloom with red clover and purple vetch. Other fields are bright with yellow bitterweed. At the college, one of the parking lots was closed, because staff and vendors were setting up for the Scottish Festival, which began this afternoon and continues through Sunday. But since I arrived early, I had no trouble finding a parking space.

The water was pretty chilly this morning, because the pool had been topped off, and the water hasn't had time to heat again. Ironically, thirteen of us showed up today. If any of us were superstitious, this might have disturbed us.

Back home, I warmed up with a couple of cups of coffee, and then after I'd gotten ready for the day, I checked on Mother. Even though it was late in the morning, she had just finished dressing, and was pooped from the effort. So I heated some Ramen noodle soup, and served her lunch.

Back home, I didn't do much before Hubbie returned for lunch. He went back to the armory right after lunch to help finish setting up. While he was gone, I helped Mother come to our house, where she worked on her jigsaw puzzle.

Hubbie came back home around 1:30, changed clothes, and accompanied me to run a couple of errands...first to a dollar store to pick up supplies for making hand cream. This will be a project for Daughter to do while she is here for the weekend. She loves the homemade cream, which soothes her hands when she's working.

Then we went to the WDCS to buy groceries for the weekend. Back home, Hubbie went out to work in the yard. Once again, I didn't do much before it was time to fix a supper of leftover spaghetti.

Just as we finished supper, Daughter arrived...she startled us when she came in, since we didn't expect her until tomorrow. Fortunately, supper was still hot, there was plenty left, and Daughter had a hearty appetite.

After supper, Daughter and I accompanied Mother to her house, where I helped her take a shower. I threw a load of laundry in the washer before we returned home.

Before we settled in to watch TV, I helped Daughter make a batch of hand cream. She got three nice size jars of it. She plans to make more when she gets home to give to friends.