Saturday, April 14, 2012

Saturday, April 14

Up at 6:30, so Hubbie could get ready to go help the Master Gardeners at their fundraising plant sale today. The sale started at 8 a.m., and Mother, Daughter and I attended shortly after.

We toured the sale several times, and after Mother decided which plants she wanted to buy, we left and headed to the college to attend the Scottish Festival. We were very fortunate to find a parking space near the festival area.

Our first stop was the tent selling baked goods, where I bought a chocolate cake (I got one of these melt-in-your-mouth cakes last year and was determined to have another this year), Irish soda bread, Struan (a bread that originated in Scotland as a harvest bread, using all the available grains), and Autumn Bread (a type of bran bread with apples, raisins, and spices).

Daughter took the cake and breads back to the van, and then we toured the festival, which included Highland dancing demonstrations, bagpipe competitions, Celtic musical performances, and a British roadsters car show.

By 11:30, Mother was exhausted, so we came back home, where we had a lunch of hoagie sandwiches (Hubbie had lunch at the plant sale). After lunch, Mother settled down for to nap on one of the couches, while Daughter and I watched the musical, "Joseph and the Amazing Tchnicolor Dreamcoat." Following the movie, Daughter retired to the guest bedroom for a nap.

Hubbie returned home around 2 p.m., and went outdoors to put some of the plants he bought at the sale into the ground. I watched TV and played on my laptop until time to prepare supper.

Supper was a choice of cheeseburgers, turkey burgers, or hot dogs, with corn-on-the-cob, and leftover beans and ham. Afterward, I accompanied Mother to her house.

Then Hubbie, Daughter, and I watched TV for the evening.

Deadly tornadoes are ripping across the Midwest tonight, with the storm system headed our way tomorrow. Maybe it'll weaken by the time it arrives here. I look forward to spring each year, but always dread these horrible storms.