Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday, May 22

Up at 6:30, so we could have breakfast early, because Hubbie needed to take the truck to the shop to have freon added, since the air conditioner unit wasn't cooling correctly. While he was gone, I did a treadmill session and resistance exercises.

Once I was ready for the day, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, where we made a batch of potato soup. Hubbie did the honors of peeling and then slicing the potatoes in the food processor.

Stayed busy for the rest of the morning, and then for lunch, Hubbie and I sampled the potato soup, though Mother stuck with her usual Ramen Noodle. We sampled the pimento cheese with the soups.

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran errands...first to take a package of photos to my ESL student, since I was unable to send them via email, thanks to some glitch in my photo file. She was ecstatic to get them, so she can take them with her to Venezuela. From there, we went to a Mexican restaurant to pick up a container of white cheese dip; and to a cafe' to pick up a quart of chicken salad that I'd ordered and paid for last week.

This wasn't as easy as I anticipated, since the teen girl at the counter seemed unable to find the order slip. "Who took the order," she asked.

"I don't know," I said, a bit vexed. How on earth would I know who it was that took my order...just some other teen girl. I don't even know what she looked like. All teens look pretty much the same to me!

"Did you pay for the order?" she pursued.

"Yes," I repeated, having told her this earlier.

Seeing that I was getting more and more peeved, she whisked off to check the bulletin board. After riffling through a bunch of orders, she located mine. She rushed it to the owner of the cafe', who promptly filled it. The owner apologized profusely for the confusion. "It's been a crazy day," she said.

Back home, we relaxed for a while, and then I prepared a supper of bagel pizzas, with a choice of chips or fresh veggies and cheese dip, and canned pears topped with cottage cheese for dessert.

Sis and Nephew arrived in time for supper. Sis will spend several days with us, and Nephew will return to pick her up Friday.

After Sis and Mother went to Mother's house, Hubbie and I watched TV, including an episode of "Sherlock Holmes," called "The Reichenbach Fall," from the public channel. We also watched the season finale of "Dancing With the Stars." Complete surprise to me the one who won. That's what the popular vote can do on this show, even if I don't agree.