Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday, May 20

Up around 8 a.m. Skipped my exercises, as I usually do on Sundays. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9 a.m., and once I was ready for the day, she sliced onions and bell peppers, which I added to seasoned and browned round steak and a can of beef broth.

While the steak simmered, Mother and I made a couple of loaves of banana bread. This is a favorite recipe that uses both mashed overripe bananas and crushed pineapple.

Later, Hubbie peeled potatoes, which I boiled and mashed, and at noon, we sat down to a yummy smothered steak dinner, with a side of green beans.

Afterward, Mother made a batch of pimento cheese, and then worked on her jigsaw puzzle. Hubbie worked in the yard, and I ironed clothes, read the Sunday newspaper, played on my laptop, etc.

Later, Daughter-in-Law called to let me know they have acquired a new camper. She wanted to know if we are planning to make a trip down their way around Memorial Day, as we have done for the past several years. Unfortunately, we aren't making the trip this year.

She also wanted to let me know that Granddaughter and Grandson are seeing a cardiologist and being tested for supraventricular tacycardia, which causes very rapid heartbeat. It's non-fatal, and can be treated in a number of ways, including beta blocker medication. Symptoms include palpitations, lightheadedness or dizziness. It's not clear what causes the problem.

For supper tonight, I fixed a hot dog and macaroni and cheese for Mother and Hubbie, and a leftover fajita and mac and cheese for myself. We watched TV for awhile afterward, and then I accompanied Mother to her house, and helped her take a shower. Threw a load of laundry in the washer before coming back home.

Tonight, we watched a feature from a DVD of four Hallmark movies...the 2005 "Thicker Than Water," starring Melissa Gilbert and Linsay Wagner. A female attorney discovers that her father was once married to a rodeo queen, before he married her mother, so she travels to California horse country to unearth the truth, and finds family she never knew existed.