Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday, May 19

Up around 7:30, and did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast., Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 10 a.m., where she made a get-well greeting card for Granddaughter. Once I was ready for the day, I made a thank-you card to send to the community theater for allowing us to borrow costumes for the Confederate Ball. I used one of the photos for the front of the card, and enclosed a couple of others.

Then I washed laundry, finished making a grocery list, and prepared lunch. After lunch, Mother worked on her jigsaw puzzle, while Hubbie and I ran the bank; to the post office; and to the WDCS.

Relaxed for the rest of the afternoon, until time to prepare supper, which was leftover fajitas and macaroni and cheese. Mother had a hot dog with her mac and cheese, rather than a fajita.

Accompanied Mother to her house afterward, where we found the cookbook that has a recipe for Hawaiian banana bread that we like. I have three bananas in the freezer that need to be used, so we'll make a couple of loaves of the bread tomorrow.

I also located the color of thread I needed to use in hemming Mother's new jeans, which was my project for the evening, while we watched TV.

Tonight we watched the 2011 movie "Certain Prey," based on a novel by John Sandford, and starring Mark Harmon. Harmon plays Police Chief Lucas Davenport on the trail of a hit woman and a female lawyer, also a killer.

Following that, we watched a couple of one-hour shows before heading to bed.