Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday, May 17

Up around 7:30, but skipped my exercses after breakfast, so I could finish sprucing the house for company, and do things related to scrapbooking, like typing and printing journal information for the pages.

After a lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches, the ladies arrived around 1 p.m. We learned today that one of the ladies is personally acquainted with a young mother who was critcally injured in a seven car pile-up yesterday, when a tanker truck failed to stop fast enough in a work zone, fish-tailed, and slammed into a compact car driven by the young woman. She was on her way to work in a local bank.

We had a good time at the meeting, and the two hours just flew by. Around 2 p.m., I served the ladies a choice of coffee or chai tea (one lady preferred water), and homemade sugar cookies. The cookies were a hit with the ladies, and one wanted the recipe (the other doesn't bake anymore). I knew they'd like the cookies, because I've never served them to anyone who didn't love them.

The ladies left at 3 p.m., and afterward, Mother and I began preparations for supper, which was my version of fajitas, macaroni and cheese, and a hot dog for Mother, who isn't fond of Mexican food. I made a filling of cubed pork chop leftover from last night's meal, onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, black beans, green chilies, and salsa, sauteed in olive oil. Mother loaded the mixture into tortilla shells, which she topped with shredded Monterey Jack cheese, and rolled them into foil.

While she did that, I made macaroni and cheese...chopped bell pepper to add to the water for boiling the macaroni, and a sauce of milk and American cheese, along with spices...salt free seasoning, pepper, and paprika.

Shortly after supper, I learned that one of my granddaughters has been hospitalized because of hemorrahaging following a recent miscarriage. This is worrisome, and I won't rest easy until I know she's okay.

Accompanied Mother home later, and then Hubbie and I wached TV, including the first of three episodes of "Sherlock Holmes," a Masterpiece Theater presentation on PBS. These are modern tech-savvy versions of the classic tales. Interesting and amusing, featuring a young Sherlock Holmes.

Watched a couple of other one-hour shows after that, and talked from time-to-time with Daughter, who kept me up-to-date on Granddaughter's progress. She'd been in the hospital since noon without food or water, and was getting cranky by 9 p.m. But crankiness indicated to me that she is getting better. Hopefully, she'll be allowed food and drink after they test her blood count tonight.