Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday, May 3

Up at 7:30 on this warm, humid day. After breakfast, I did a treadmill session and resistance exercises, while Hubbie went to a city park to help weed a garden.

The Master Gardeners were scheduled to meet on Monday to work on the garden, but only two people showed up that day. Tuesday, the lady who is charge of organizing work days e-mailed the members and chastised them for not showing up, and set today as a follow-up.

Hubbie was under the impression that the newly-minted Master Gardeners were obliged to take on most of the work days, because they each need to accumulate 40 hours of time this first year to remain in good standing with the organization. Hubbie only needed 20 hours, and he had already satisfied most of them. Today, about a dozen MGs attended, and they were able to clean the garden by lunchtime.

Once I was ready for the day, I accompanied Mother to our house, where she worked on her jigsaw puzzle, while I did this and that around the house, including several loads of laundry.

After lunch, I accompanied Mother to the camper to see if she was able to get up the steps. With the aid of her walker and the handles on the camper, she was able to step up without difficulty. We needed to know this before we make camping plans. Back in the house, she continued with her puzzle, Hubbie went out to work in the yard, and I worked to bring order out of chaos in my office. I also stored winter clothing and brought out summer wear.

Later, we had a supper of leftover goulash, with garden salad. Afterward, I accompanied Mother to her house. Before we went indoors, we toured her flower gardens, herb garden, and the veggie garden. I helped Mother take a shower, and then ran a load of laundry for her before coming back home.

Hubbie and I spent the evening as usual...watching TV, including the classic 1958 movie, "The Old Man and the Sea," starring Spencer Tracy, and based on the Ernest Hemingway novel.