Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday, June 15

Our state is celebrating 176 years of statehood today. Happy Birthday to our state!

Had another one of those nights last night when it was 2 a.m. before I fell asleep. But even though Hubbe forgot to set the clock, I still woke up at 6:30. It was after seven before he woke up, though.

So we were a little later having breakfast, and I was therefore a little later arriving at the swimming pool. The water is still high and a bit cool, but it felt good once I was used to it.

Funny: last night, I dreamed I was involved in a swimming competition with one of the other members of water aerobics. When I told her about my dream, she broke out laughing. "And I won, of course," I added, "because, after all, it was my dream!"

As I was leaving the session, she said, "I'll see YOU Monday," as if demanding a re-match.

Back home, Hubbie peeeled potatoes, which I boiled for making potato salad tomorrow. I also hard-boiled eggs for the dish.

While I got ready for the day, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. It was obvious that she was tired. So after lunch, I insisted that she retire to the couch and nap while Hubbie and I ran errands.

Our first round was to the farmer's market, where I bought tomatoes (I'll be very glad when ours ripen); to a business friend's office to borrow a small table and four chairs for a birthday/Father's Day gathering Sunday; and to another town to see if watermelons are ready. They are not, but cataloupes are, so we bought two.

On the way back, we stopped to talk to my favorite computer tech. After discussing the poblems we're having with our office computer, it was agreed that we should deliver it to him for an assessment. We'll do that Monday.

We stopped by home, then, to check on Mother, who was still napping. So we went on to the WDCS for groceries for the weekend.

Back home, we relaxed until 4 p.m., when we went on a second pick up barbecue that Hubbie had ordered this morning; to a Mexican restaurant to pick up cheese dip; and to the WDCS again to pick up a rotisserie chicken for supper.

At home, Mother had just awakened and was ready for supper. We had the chicken, with macaroni salad, and canned whole kernel corn. Afterward, I accompanied Mother back to her house.

Hubbie and I spent the rest of the evening watching TV, including the 1988 movie, "Dangerous Liaisons," starring Glenn Close, John Malkovich, and Michelle Pfiffer. Idle, bored, and rich 18th-century French aristocrats play games of love and betrayal.

Later, we watched as Nick Wallenda successfully walked a high wire across Niagra Falls. Yikes!