Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday, June 13

Up at 6:30 to get ready to go to water aerobics. The pool is still over-filled, but the water was pleasant, anyway. We laughed a lot at ourselves as we tried to stay upright during aerobics (most of us were standing tippy-toe during the workout).

The talk today was about yesterday's runoff election, and how the candidate from our district won by only 2% of the vote. One lady volunteered at a polling site where only three voters showed up. She said her friend helped at another site where only one voter showed up. Twelve hours and several volunteers for only four votes! Once again, American apathy prevails.

Back home, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and then once I was ready for the day, I boiled macaroni for macaroni salad, which Mother helped make after lunch. This will be our contribution to the Master Gardener picnic tomorrow evening.

Didn't accomplish much else for the afternoon. Mother dozed, Hubbie went out into the yard, and I played on my laptop, read the evening newspaper, and watched TV.

Around 5 p.m., I went to a visual arts meeting at the gallery. Only a few of us showed up, so the director put us to work creating bracelet tags to be used for the silent auction at the upcoming Summer Celebration. These are bright orange, yellow, green, and blue, with round tags for the numbers assigned to guests.

I just don't think these childish looking bracelets are going to be a hit with guests, some of whom will be dressed up for the event. Nevertheless, I agreed to spend time again sometime next week helping to assemble more of them.

This year, instead of having the event catered, members are to bring refreshments. I asked what I needed to bring and was told there's a need for ice chests and ice. That's easy enough.

I also plan to donate a photo this year, if I can get it ready and framed by next Tuesday or Wednesday.

Back home around 6 p.m., Hubbie had heated the leftover soup, cornbread, and biscuits, for supper. Afterward, I accompanied Mother to her house, and then grabbed my camera to snap a few photos in the yard.

Uploaded some of them to my social network page, and then Hubbie and I watched TV for the rest of the evening.