Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday, June 8

Up at 6:30 this morning to get ready to go to water aerobics. Since the morning was so cool, I enjoyed the pleasant walk to the gym from the parking lot.

I was amazed at how full the pool was today. I've never seen the water that high before.

Funny: as I entered the pool, one of the ladies commented: "I think the water is still rising. It looks like it got higher as you were getting in."

"What?!!" I exclaimed. "I'm bigger than I want to be, but I don't think I can visibly displace water in an olympic-size pool!" I laughed.

She apologized and assured me she didn't mean it that way. But later, toward the end of the session, when the lady left a little early, I couldn't resest calling out: "The water really went down when you got out!"

Back home, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and we goofed off the rest of the morning. Mother didn't have a lot of energy today, and didn't want to work on her jigsaw puzzle, so we drank coffee and watched morning shows on TV. It was 11 a.m. before I finally went upstairs to get ready for the day.

After PB&J sandwiches for lunch, Hubbie went out to work in the yard, and Mother and I made another batch of strawberry jam. We filled eight half-pint jars this time, which we'll use as token gifts for the holidays.

Didn't do anything else of importance for the afternoon. Later, Mother sliced tomatoes and Vidalia onions for our supper of bacon/lettuce/tomato/Vidalia onion sandwiches, served with noodles and creamed onions, squash, and green beans. Mother really loves the homegrown green beans, so I hope our garden produces more.

After supper, I accompanied Mother to her house, and when I got back, I made a recipe of fruited Jell-o. Then Hubbie and I spent the evening watching TV, as usual. When the Jell-o was ready, I took a helping of it to Mother. Whenever I make snacks, I take portions to her. Last night, it was trail mix, which was a big hit with her. She must have had the "munchies," like us.

Our TV fare included a 2010 LMN movie called, "Bond of Silence." Based on a true story, a lawyer and well-known tri-athlete dies of what appears at first to be a heart attack when he tries to break up a raucous party at a neighbor's house. When his wife learns her husband actually died from being kicked in the head, severing an artery in the back of his head, and she learns who the murderer is, she forgives him, and even comforts him.

We followed that with the 2002 movie, "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind," starring Sam Rockwell, George Clooney, and Drew Barrymore. The film is based on the autobiographical life of Chuck Barris, TV producer of "The Dating Game," "The Newlywed Show," "The Gong Show," etc. He also claims to have once been a hitman for the CIA, though according to Wikipedia, the CIA denies that he ever worked for them. Language and nudity in this movie.