Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tuesday, June 5

Up at 6:30 this morning, so Hubbie could get ready to go help the Master Gardeners mulch a public garden. After breakfast, I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises. Once I was ready for the day, I accompanied Mother to our house.

I spent the rest of the morning gathering everything needed to make strawberry jam, and doing other household tasks. Hubbie returned home around 10 a.m., but spent the rest of his morning helping another Master Gardener unload into our yard a trailer full of mulch, leftover from this morning's MG project.

It was after noon before he came inside. By that time, Mother and I had already eaten lunch (Mother was hungry, having had her breakfast around 6:30 this morning), but I fixed a couple of hot dogs for Hubbie.

After lunch, Mother and I made the batch of strawberry jam...four pint jars. Then Hubbie napped, while I did this and that around the house, and Mother started a jigsaw puzzle. One thing I did was complete the word search puzzle contest. I started to do it last night, but discovered that the puzzle didn't match the word list. I figured the folks at the newspaper office would get a lot of calls, and it would be corrected in today's edition, and it was.

Later for supper, I heated leftovers from Sunday dinner. Afterward, we all stepped outside to view Venus crossing the sun, using an oatmeal box pinhole camera. We were able to see it reflected on the platic lid of the box.

Then, I accompanied Mother to her house, and helped her take a shower, and then threw a load of laundry in the washer before coming back home.

Back home, I grabbed my camera to snap a few shots in the yard. As I carried the camera, lens cap off, I noticed the sun refected off the lens onto the brown wall of the house, and again, I could see Venus against the sun.

Later, I uploaded a few shots from the yard to my social network page, and then Hubbie and I watched TV for the rest of the evening, including an LMN movie: "You Belong to Me." A woman thinks her ex-husband is at the root of mysterious happenings, but when it's proved he has an alibi, she discovers the real culprit is a colleague. But when the colleague attempts to kill her and commit suicide, she survives, but he falls off a cliff to his death. But weird stuff starts happening again. Seems he has returned from the grave to plague her.