Saturday, June 9, 2012

Saturday, June 9

Slept late, until nearly 8 a.m. After breakfast, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, where she sliced and diced various veggies for a chef's salad lunch, and to use with steak strips for tomorrow's lunch. While she worked on that, I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises.

Once I was ready for the day, Mother and I relaxed and watched a scary movie on the LMN channel: this 2005 horror film, called "Hide and Seek, stars Robert De Nero and Dakota Fanning, and gets mixed reviews. It's not an award-winner, but it's entertaining enough, and has a twist.

After lunch, Mother and I made another four quarts of strawberry jam, and then Hubbie and I shopped for groceries at the WDCS for ourselves and Mother. Any day is bad for shopping at that store, but Saturday is particularly bad. I don't know why we always end up needing to go there on Saturdays. Poor planning, I guess.

Back home, I didn't do much until suppertime, when I fixed turkey burgers and macaroni and cheese for supper, which Mother enjoyed a lot. After supper, we watched a 2009 movie..."Closed for the Winter." The story takes place in Australia, where a young girl mysteriously disappears while she and her younger sister are on the beach. The girl goes sunbathing behind a dune, and then the younger sister can't find her.

Twenty years later, the mother is psychologically damaged as she cuts out and scrapbooks newspaper articles about various tragedies. Every room of the house is stacked high with newspapers. The younger sister lives with her mother, and tries to maintain a relationship with a man, but she has difficulty moving past the sister's disappearnce. Dark secrets must be revealed before she can get on with her life.

After the movie, I accompanied Mother to her house, and then toured the gardens with Hubbie. What a pleasant evening! Later, we continued watching TV...a couple of one-hour shows...until bedtime.