Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday, July 23

Up at 6:30 to get ready to go to water aerobics. Very warm, humid day for the walk to the gym. The pool was cool, though, and felt wonderful after I was in it for a minute or two. There was a good group today, probably because there are only two more sessions until summer break.

Back home, Hubbie put color in my hair in anticipation of a haircut appointment tomorrow. Sis accompanied Mother to our house, where they watched a movie on DVR..."The Help." Mother had seen this movie before, but Sis had not.

By the time I was ready for the day, it was already 11:30, so I prepared a lunch of Ramen noodle soup for Mother, and deli turkey sandwiches, with cottage cheese, and fruits for dessert...oranges, cherries, and fresh figs.

Afterward, Mother retired to the couch for a nap, while Hubbie and Sis watched TV, and I reviewed the lesson plan for today's session.

At 2:15, Sis went to Mother's house to relax, and I went to the college to meet my student.

Today's lesson included using adjectives about feelings: "Pete is worried. His mother is very sick." "Mrs. Green is angry. It's half past three, and Lee isn't home."

The lesson also included adjectives plus prepositions plus nouns: "Pete is worried about his mother." "Mrs. Green is angry at Lee."

Also, adjectives plus prepositions plus verb-ing: "Lee Chan is worried about leaving his country." "Ed is afraid of swimming in cold water."

The studen also learned the use of "should." "You should stop smoking." "They should listen to their parents."

Then we worked on tag questions with "do," "does," and "did." The Masons have to pay a lot of bills, don't they?" "Lee didn't see the tree, did he?"

And tag questions with other verbs: "Jason and Gail have never painted a kitchen, have they?" "Tom shouldn't spend so much money, should he?"

In conversation, the student commented that her favorite kind of music is classical and opera. She also likes Spanish instrumentals, but not Spanish singers. She also commented that she likes good movies, and recommended the one she and her husband watched over the weekend..."The Flowers of War," starring Christian Bale. Sounds like one we should rent.

Back home, Hubbie had heated leftovers from last night for our supper...beans and ham, sauteed potatoes, and turnips, with a fresh batch of cornbread.

Afterward, we played several games of Skipbo. Sis and Hubbie won two games each, and I won one. None for Mother tonight, though we were rooting for her.

Sis and Mother went back to Mother's house after that, and Hubbie and I watched TV until bedtime.