Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday, August 17

Up around 8 a.m. After breakfast, I put a pan of eggs on to boil, to be used in egg gravy over toast for supper. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and while I exercised, she chopped the eggs for the refrigerator. She also mixed a package of dried peach dip with sour cream, to be served with fruit tomorrow.

Once I was ready for the day, I gathered supplies for Mother to use in making a couple of greeting cards.

At noon, I fixed a Ramen Noodle soup lunch for her, and then waited for Hubbie to return from the barber shop before heating the remainder of the macaroni and cheese and serving it with cold fried chicken for our lunch.

After lunch, Mother headed to the couch for a nap, and Hubbie and I ran the farmer's market, to the WDCS, and to the everything's a dollar store.

At the everything's a dollar store: I couldn't believe that both Halloween and Christmas decorations are already on display!

At the WDCS, I bought a package of ten pairs of cotton undies. At home, I decided to wash them, but each pair was rolled tightly and Scotch taped, so Hubbie immediately grabbed scissors and went after a pair.

"Be careful!!" I warned. "You'll cut the fabric!" Snip. Too late. He clipped a hole in that pair. After that, we used our fingers to carefully remove the tape fron the other nine pairs.

Mother finished her nap about 3:30, and we all relaxed until time for me to finish supper preparations. I made a recipe of white gravy, to which I added the eggs. Served this over buttered toast, with a side of cantaloupe. Mother thoroughly enjoyed the meal, although the cantaloupe was the only healthy thing about it.

My reason for making this supper was because we have an over-supply of eggs right now, because we'd bought some just before receiving a coupon for a dozen more. Guess I need to put some in the freezer.

Accompanied Mother to her house after supper, and waited for her to take a shower before I returned home. Hubbie and I watched TV for the rest of the evening, including a movie..."Angels and Demons." In this 2009 movie, the Vatican is in danger from a terrorist. Add to that a Vatican murder, and four kidnapped Cardinals, and a Harvard symbologist is off and running. Stars Tom Hanks.