Saturday, August 18, 2012

Saturday, August 18

Up around 7 a.m. this morning to get ready to travel a couple of hours south to attend Granddaughter's baby shower.

We spent the morning gathering various things we wanted to take with us, and then had an early lunch around 11 a.m.

Headed out at noon for an uneventful trip to the barbecue restaurant where the shower took place. Arrived around 1:30.

Shortly after 2 p.m., we enjoyed refreshments, including the various fruits and dip that I contributed. The fruit was well received, especially by the six or seven kids who attended.

Besides finger foods, like ham roll-ups, nuts, chips and dip, as well as pink punch, the refreshment table also included a really cute cake, designed to resemble a baby quilt, with pink, green, and yellow icing piped into blocks topped with decorations, and the name of the new baby written in the middle.

Following refreshments, we played a few baby shower games. To begin with, each guest was given a clothespin and told that in order to keep the clothespin, we should not say the word "baby." But if we heard someone else say it, we could steal their clothespin. A granddaughter, sister to the honoree, won this game.

The second game involved identifying various brands of chocolate bars that had been melted and smeared into diapers to resemble baby poop. The expressions of disgust on the faces of participants were hilarious, as they looked at and smelled the diapers.

In another game, participants rolled off the amount of bathroom tissue that they thought would fit exactly around the honoree's middle. I managed to win his one by wrapping the tissue around myself and allowing enough to encompass a "baby bump."

Granddaughter opened gifts after that. She got lots of really cute things, as well as practical things. We opted to give a money gift, so Granddaughter can choose something she really needs.

By 3:30, most of the guests had left, and since Mother was getting tired, we decided to head out, too.

We arrived home around 5 p.m. We debated whether to stop for supper at a favorite restaurant in another town, but decided against it, since we weren't really hungry enough.

At home later, I fixed a supper of the the leftover egg gravy over toast, with a side of cantaloupe. Accompanied Mother to her house afterward, and then Hubbie and I relaxed in front of TV.

Watched a couple of old movies, including "Deep Impact," a 1998 disaster film, in which a comet threatens the extinction of mankind and everything else on earth. If it can't be destroyed, only those selected by lottery will survive in previously constructed shelters.

The second movie we saw was "The Last Sunset," a 1961 western. No matter how old they are, Hubbie enjoys westerns.