Sunday, September 23, 2012

Saturday, Sept. 22

Today is the first day of autumn. Cool weather is on its way.

Up around 7 a.m. Skipped my exercises, so we could gat ready for the day, and gather whatever was necessary for traveling south to attend a birthday party for a one-year-old great-granddaughter, and to meet for the first time a new great-granddaughter.

We were on the road by about 11 a.m., and at noon, we ate the pimento cheese sandwiches, chips, cookies, and coffee, I packed this morning. This saved us from having to stop on the way for a fast-food lunch.

We arrived at the campground around 1 p.m. Son and Daughter-in-Law were camped there, and had engaged a picnic pavilion for the event. Around sixteen children, and lots of adults were in attendance.

Hot dogs, baked beans, deviled eggs, and an assortment of chips were served, but we passed on those, and instead enjoyed cupcakes when they were served. Great-Granddaughter received lots of cute gifts. Of course, I took lots of snapshots of her.

This one-year-old is walking now, but has no teeth yet, and very little hair. The new baby, a few weeks old, on the other hand, has a crop of black hair. As with every new baby, we all enjoyed passing her around, so we could hug and kiss her, and welcome her to the family. Took lots of snapshots of her, too, naturally.

It was a sunny, warm day, in the mid-80s, but pleasant. We visited until around 4 p.m., before deciding we needed to hit the road.

Around 5:30, we stopped in a town about an hour from home to have supper at a favorite restaurant. We were surprised that there weren't more people at the restaurant. Maybe that's because it doesn't seem to be up to its previous standards.

Tonight, there was no sour ceam for the baked potatoes, which was just as well, I guess, since the potatoes weren't hot. I pushed mine aside and opted for mashed potatoes and white gravy, instead, which were hot and good. The glazed carrots weren't up to par, although the blackeye peas were good. But both the vanilla and vanilla-chocolate swirl soft-serve ice cream machines were empty, which was a disappointment to Hubbie, who can eat his weight in vanilla ice cream.

Mother was satisfied with her meal of batter fried fish and macaroni and cheese. She ate two helpings, along with helpings of both chocolate pudding and banana pudding, which is unusual for her.

We arrived home around 7:30. I accompanied Mother to her house, and then Hubbie and I unloaded the van before settling in to watch our favorite college football team, as they played to another disappointing loss. While we watched the game, I uploaded snapshots from today to my social network page.

By the end of the game, we were ready for bed. It had been a long, but fun day.