Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday, Sept. 29

Slept late, until 8 a.m. After breakfast, I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises. Got ready for the day, and then spent the morning doing chores.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house mid-morning. Before lunch, we watched a movie we'd borrowed from the library..."The 39 Steps," a 1935 Alfred Hitchcock classic. This is a British spy thriller in which a man unwittingly stumbles into a conspiracy that has him being chased all over Scotland, as he tries to deliver a message to a place with 39 steps. The goal is to protect information related to military secrets from falling into the wrong hands.

We followed this with another movie from the library..."The Apartment," a black and white film from 1960. It stars Jack Lemmon and Shirley McLaine. Lemmon's character works for a large insurance agency, and in an attempt to climb the corporate ladder, he agrees to lend his apartment to various higher-ups, for illicit trysts. The boss is one of the higher-ups, who is having an affair with an elevator operator, played by McLaine. Of course, Lemmon's character eventually falls in love with the elevator operator, and things get sticky.

Mother kept nodding off during this movie, and finally agreed to go to the couch for a nap.

When the movie ended, we watched our favorite college football team in a game I'd recorded on DVR. Unfortunately, this one ended as all the others a wide-margin loss. We despair of the team ever climbing out of this awful slump.

Mother finished her nap around 5 p.m., in time for a supper of leftover lasagna, which I'd heated in the oven. Served this with fresh tomatoes topped with cottage cheese, coleslaw, and slices of homemade bread that Sis brought this week.

Accompanied Mother home afterward, and waited for her to shower before I returned to our house. Hubbie and I spent the evening watching TV, including the last of the four DVD's borrowed from the library. This one is called, "Talent for the Game." In this 1991 film, a baseball scout comes across a phenom coungtry-boy youngster, who can pitch faster than anyone he's ever known. They rush him into the major league, though, and naturally problems arise on the road to success. Stars Edward James Olmos, Lorraine Bracco, and John E. Coleman. Good family movie.