Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday, Oct. 11

Slept late, until around 8:30, even though Hubbie was up thirty minutes earlier, so he could get ready to go to a Master Gardener meeting at 10 a.m. After we'd had breakfast, and he'd left for his meeting, I did stair stepping, resistance band, and weights exercises.

Once I was ready for the day, I took a bowl of Ramen Noodle soup to Mother's house for her to heat in the microwave for lunch, because I was scheduled for a dental appointment at noon.

Around 11:30, I noticed that Hubbie had taken the van instead of the truck, so I called him. I can drive the truck, but it's not my favorite vehicle to park. Turned out Hubbie was on his way home, since the MG meeting had ended early, so the van would be available.

Didn't have to wait long at the dentist's office before the hygienist was ready for me. Drats, today she found a problem tooth with deep pockets. This was a tooth that had been perfectly fine at the last visit, so she was stunned, as was the dentist, when he checked it. The tooth shows no signs of infection, and an x-ray showed no tartar deposit or significant bone loss. It's a complete mystery.

The hygienist thoroughly cleaned the tooth, and added antibiotic to the pockets, and I'm to return in ten days for a checkup. If this tooth doesn't respond, I'll be referred to a periodontist in the capital city for possible addition of bone. If nothing works, I'm looking at another tooth loss, and a new partial.

This news did not set a positive tone for the day for me. Before I left the dentist's office, the hygienist commented that today is 10-11-12, a supposedly lucky day. "Not for me, apparently," I laughed.

Funny: I accidentally bit the dentist today, when I clamped my mouth shut before he'd quite removed his fingers. I didn't hurt him, and we all had a good laugh about it, but I was pretty embarrassed.

It was 1:30 before I got back home, and since Hubbie hadn't had lunch yet, we both sat down to sandwiches. Around 2:30, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, where she promptly went to the couch for a nap. It seems that she rests better on our couch or in the camper than anywhere else. Guess she just feels safe and secure here.

While she rested, we went to the house of friends who sell 40 lb. boxes of sweet potatoes for $12. Bought two for each of Hubbie's daughters, at their request.

Funny: (and the following isn't the funny part): as Hubbie was carrying one of the boxes to the van, he tripped, dropped the box, and fell to his knees on top of it. All I saw was his head disappear from sight, which made my heart jump into my throat. I jumped out of the car to check on him, and breathed a sigh of relief to find he was okay.

We laughed all the way home about it, because yesterday morning, before we attended a program at the hospital about balance disorders, I took a tumble in our bathroom. Then today, the day after the program, Hubbie tumbled.

It was the power of suggestion, he said. Learn about falling, and then fall. Or take a driver safety course, and then, minutes after receiving a certificate of completion, back into a light pole.

Later, we had leftover spaghetti and sauce, green beans, and a side of cottage cheese for supper. I accompanied Mother home afterward, and waited until she'd taken a shower, before returning to our house.

Spent the rest of the evening watching TV, including the vice-presidential debate.