Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday, Nov. 16

Up at 6:30 to get ready for water aerobics. Cold morning, of course, but I dressed for it. The water, too, was quite a bit cooler. Today, our leader forgot to bring her watch, so I loaned her mine.

The only talk today was about the states who have gathered enough signatures to petition the White House for secession. Everyone agreed about the ridiculousness of the idea.

What we are more concerned about is the esculating conflict between Isreal and Palestine, and what it might mean for our country.

Seventeen of us attended today, and no doubt there will be fewer than that on Monday, the only day we will meet next week, because the ladies will be busy with Thanksgiving preparations. I'll go ahead with water aerobics, and my tutoring session, as usual.

Back home, I warmed up with cups of coffee, and then got ready for the day, while Hubbie ran errands. Mother stayed home this morning until around 10:30, and then Hubbie accompanied her to our house.

Once I was ready for the day, I went immediately to the office computer and wrote a letter to my friend in Texas to include with a handmade card for her birthday...which is tomorrow (I let it slip up on me, even though it's clearly marked on the calendar). Hubbie took the card to the post office soon after lunch, in the hopes it will arrive in time.

Back downstairs, Hubbie had fixed lunch for us...Ramen Noodle soup for Mother, canned chili for himself, and leftovers for me. Afterward, Mother cubed the bread we dried overnight, and I boiled eggs for an egg gravy on toast supper. Then she retired to the couch for a nap, while I searched the Internet for Christmas gift ideas for her.

She finished her nap around 3:30, and after I peeled the eggs, she chopped them. Later, I prepared a white gravy to put them in. Served canned peaches on the side.

Then I changed clothes to go to the happy hour event, while Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house.

We arrived at happy hour about 5:45, by which time, my student was already worried that we'd gotten lost on the way, and was in her van, ready to come and look for us. I know the event was scheduled for 5:30, but we couldn't finish supper, clear the supper dishes, put away food, and see that Mother got home, and still get to the party sooner. Besides, it's chic to be fashionably late (she said, tongue in cheek).

There were fewer than ten of us there, but there was a spread of food enough to feed an army. This was intended as a supper meal, which we were unaware of. I understood there would only be nibbles.

My student had prepared a chicken dish, and being the thoughtful person she is, she fixed part of it without salt. It was very good...cubed boiled chicken with fresh spinach, cheese, and herbs. It can be eaten alone or on a bun.

The onion/chive dip I brought, served with sweet potato chips, and mixed veggie chips, was a real hit. I left part of it with the host's brother, since he loved it so much.

We also took along a bottle of moscato wine, which disappeared in a hurry. I snared one glass of it, before it was gone.

Because everyone was enjoying our contributions so much, there were soon five of us gathered around a small table, munching down, and participating in interesting conversation. The host, thank goodness, was engaged in political and philosophical conversation in another part of the room, so we didn't have to listen to him.

We really meant to leave by 6:30, but it was 7 p.m. before we knew it. At that point, the host drifted toward our table, and made a couple of political comments. Since the comments didn't seem to require a response, I got up and thanked him for including us in the gathering, but it was time for us to leave.

I asked if I could help clear away the mess, but he said no, it was the responsibility of the men to do that.

He was gracious in extending an invitation for us to come again, which we might or might not, depending on our schedule. But I let him know our weekends are booked until at least January.

I learned a couple of more things about my student tonight: one, her husband taught English in Japan for fifteen years; and two, her ex-husband is a pediatrician in Venezuela.

Back home, we finished the evening watching TV.

Daughter is coming for a visit this weekend, so I'm excited about that. I'm not sure what time she'll arrive, but it'll probably be early, even though she works until midnight tonight.

Funny: when I looked in the mirror after we got back home from happy hour, I noticed that my turtleneck shirt was on backwards. Wonder how many other folks noticed it. I guess I got in too big a hurry when I changed clothes after supper.


Ann crum said...

The turtleneck was probably just fine at the party. It was that stop along a back road and re-dressing in the dark that got

Sixty Something said...

LOL! It's been a long time since I've done that!