Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday, Nov. 13

Up around 7:30, and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and before I went upstairs to get ready for the day, I gathered veggies for Mother to dice for making a meatloaf later.

We didn't accomplish much else after I came back downstairs. But after a lunch of leftovers, we finished putting the meatloaf together for the refrigerator until time to bake it later.

Then Mother retired to the couch for a nap, while Hubbie and I ran a few errands...to the library to take back movies we borrowed last week, and pick up four more; to the newspaper office to drop off this week's word search puzzle contest; to the post office; and to the WDCS for groceries and incidentals for both Mother and us.

Back home around 3 p.m., I put a cookie sheet of russet potatoes in the oven. At 3:30, I put the meatloaf in the oven. After that, we all watched Monday night's episode of "Dancing With the Stars."

The meatloaf was especially yummy tonight for some reason, with sides of baked potatoes and green beans. Afterward, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then Hubbie and I watched TV, including a Jesse Stone movie from the library.