Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, Nov. 12

Veteran's Day Observed...Hubbie hung the flags in honor of the day.

Up at 6:30 to get ready for water aerobics. First really cold morning of the season, requiring not only fleece wear and hoodie, but a hat and gloves. The water was so wonderfully warm, though. I figured not many would show up, since it was so cold outside, but twenty of us enjoyed the session.

Back home, by the time I thawed out with a couple of cups of coffee and a hot shower, and got ready for the day, it was nearly 11:30. Hubbie had accompanied Mother to our house in the meantime. She had Ramen Noodle soup for lunch, and Hubbie and I had leftovers...potato soup for Hubbie, and lasagna for me.

Afterward, I gathered ingredients for biscuits, and Mother put the recipe together, rolled out the dough, cut the biscuits, and put them on a cookie sheet, to be baked once a tray of sweet potatoes came out of the oven. Hubbie had started the potatoes baking...they were ones that were about to go south in a 40-pound box of them.

Once the biscuits were out of the oven, Mother headed to the couch for a nap, Hubbie went out to bring in the last of the plants that need protecting from a freeze that is expected tonight, and I reviewed today's ESL lesson.

Met my student at the usual 2:30 hour. Today, she brought me a quart bag of cracked pecans, ready to be picked out of the shells. Fortunately, in exchange, I took along a bottle of shampoo/body wash, of the brand that Mother likes, for the student to use when helping her mother-in-law bathe. Her mother-in-law suffers from Alzheimer's Disease.

Today, the lesson was about the map of North America...identifying the countries within it, as well as particular states, and the directions of those states (north, south, east, west). The lesson also involved people of the countries...Americans, Canadians, Mexicans, and Cubans.

The lesson also dealt with a structure focus exercise: "look forward to, plus noun": "The Garcias look forward to a better future." "I'm looking forward to the party on Friday night.

Another structure focus exercise involved "look forward to, plus verb-ing." "They look forward to going home." "I look forward to seeing you again." "The Garcias are looking forward to becoming citizens." (to which the student commented that she is, too...she absolutely loves America, and the small town we live in, so she's anxious to become a citizen).

We spent a lot of time in conversation today. One thing the student wanted to know was if my maiden name is Jenkins, which, of course, it is not. She asked me that, because the Literacy Council director made the mistake of using Jenkins as my married name when she announced in various newspapers and our local slick magazine that I am the tutor who nominated my student for the 2012 State Literacy Council Student of the Year award, which she recently won.

I promised the student that I would contact the Literacy Council director to let her know about the mistake. I was sure that her assistant had probably written the news release and got the name wrong. But when I e-mailed the director, she was embarrassed and appalled to admit that she herself had made the mistake. She hastened to say that she'll send corrections to the papers and magazine, but I'm afraid the damage is already done. Few people read correction statements. I know I don't.

In other conversation, she was full of stories about her recent trip to Florida to visit family, particularly her grandchildren. Her three-year-old granddaughter is obviously already a fashion and makeup diva, because she wanted her grandmother to buy her a particular outfit that resembles one worn by a fashion doll, and she wanted makeup. Of course, Grandma indulged her.

The student was mesmerized by the beauty of the land she saw on her flight back home...lots of autumn colors, and a fantastic view of the Mississippi River.

When we discussed countries of North America, she mentioned how much she loves our state and our rural town in particular. She loves the wide open spaces, and the small population of our town. The city she comes from in Venezuela...Maracaibo...has a metropolitan area population of over two million people.

She is really enjoying the autumn colors, and particularly the cooler weather. Venezuela is always hot, she said, so she likes the four seasons of our part of the country.

I was pleased to learn today that the student now has art work on display in a gallery in another town about an hour away. The gallery owner has placed high prices on the work, so I hope it sells. She would be thrilled.

Back home, Hubbie had heated leftover Dragon Soup from yesterday, which was served with the biscuits made this morning and heated in the microwave. We had a choice of honey or peach preserves for the biscuits.

Afterward, I accompanied Mother to her house, and waited for her to shower before returning home. Hubbie and I spent the rest of the evening watching TV, including an episode of "Upstairs/Downstairs" from the PBS channel.