Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday, Jan. 27

Dreary, drizzly Sunday morning, with a mild temp.

We were up around 7:30, but I skipped my exercises, and just went on and got dressed. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house about 9:30, and I gathered the ingredients for lasagna, which she layered in a baking dish. I put the lasagna in the oven at 10:30, and then we prepared individual salads, and I sliced French bread, which Mother slathered with garlic butter.

After that, we did the usual Sunday things...she clipped coupons for Granddaughter, and I programmed the DVR for the week's programs and shows, and read the Sunday newspaper.

Lunch was ready at noon, and afterward, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, while Hubbie and I changed clothes and went to the museum for a program about a local photographer, who died a couple of years ago. I was not personally acquainted with him, which is unusual, since I am familiar with most of the journalists and photographers in the area.

But it was a very interesting program about a very unusual man, who led a colorful life as a realtor, a hobo, and wide traveler, among other things, and who had an innate sense of what makes a good photograph. His work appeared not only in local newspapers, but in popular magazines, and even in movies.

Several folks who knew him told stories of their ezperiences with him. Later, Hubbie commented that the program reminded him of a memorial service, which is exactly what I was thinking while it was going on.

As usual, this was a time to get to visit with folks we know, some of whom we hadn't seen for a while.

There was a bigger turnout for the event than the museum planners expected, so the museum director apologized, saying she didn't think they'd prepared enough refreshments for everyone to get a snack item, but she was sure there was enough coffee and hot apple cider to go around.

Naturally when we arrived at the refreshment table, we saw there were lots of the snacks on the trays because, we supposed, everyone did what we did and settled only for the drinks so as not to deprive others of the goodies.

Back home, I dished up sugar-free instant chocolate pudding that I'd made last night, topped with fat-free whipped topping, and served it with fresh coffee. This was a much healthier dessert than what was offered at the museum, and Mother could join us

Hubbie accompanied Mother home afterward, and then he and I spent the evening watching two more episodes of the Cadfael mysteries from PBS channel.