Saturday, February 2, 2013

Saturday, Feb. 2

Groundhog Day. Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, predicting an early spring. The groundhog usually sees his shadow, and has only not seen it sixteen times since 1886. Hope he's right this year, because I'm ready to be done with winter.

Slept well last night, and didn't get up until 8:30. Postponed my exercises for a while this morning. Instead, I gathered ingredients for making onion/chive dip, which Mother put together when she came over around 9:30. I also prepared a couple of birthday cards for the mail. Needed to get those out to the mailbox before the mailman came around 10:30.

Finally, I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises. While I did this, Hubbie took the winter village off the mantel and stored it. Mother helped with this project by squeezing up the branches of the plastic evergreen trees so they'd fit tightly in a tote, and unfolding cardboard "bricks" to be stored flat in another tote.

By now, it was time for lunch, so I fixed Ramen noodle soup for Mother, served with crackers and cheese, and slices of cold chicken, and chicken salad sandwiches and veggie chips for Hubbie and me. Little Cuties for dessert.

Mother started a new jigsaw puzzle after lunch, while I got ready for the day. Once I was dressed, Hubbie and I ran errands...first to the bank to deposit a check I received from the Extension Homemakers Council. The money is our scrapbook club's portion of a grant, to be used for our community project, which is making greeting cards for Caring Hands Hospice. It's not a great deal of money, but it'll help buy supplies for making cards. From there, we went to the WDCS for grocery items, and a dozen half-pint jars for making jellies.

Back home, we vegged and read novels on our e-readers, until time to watch our favorite college basketball team as they played to a win on their home turf. Just wish they could do this on the road.

I'd recorded the game on DVR. It began at 3 p.m., but we didn't start watching it until 4 p.m. At that time, I began supper preparations. Made a recipe of macaroni and cheese, and then later fixed turkey burgers.

Later, I changed clothes so Hubbie and I could attend a performance of the Civil War readers' theater at 7:30. Following the performance, we returned home to pick up the onion/chive dip and chips to take to a cast party at the home of one of the actors. She lives just a few miles from our house.