Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday, Feb. 23

Up around 7 a.m. to get ready to go to another town to attend a surpise 70th birthday party for Hubbie's sister. We left home at 9:30, and arrived shortly after 11 a.m.

The party was held in the fellowship hall of Hubbie's family's church. Family and friends straggled in for thirty minutes of so, and the guest of honor arrived shortly after noon. The family, and her friends, had done a good job of keeping the party secret. She thought that she and a niece would be traveling to the Capital City to visit her son and daughter-in-law, but before they could get on the road, the niece needed to stop by the church to deliver beauty products. So she was speechless (rare for her) when she came in the door and saw us all. About 20 of us were in attended.

The party was hosted by the honoree's daughter. She and a few friends had put together a slide show featuring Sis from childhood to the present. One friend had created a three-tier, beautifully decorated, cake. One tier was chocolate, one was strawberry, and one was vanilla.

Before the cake was served, though, we had a lunch of deli meats and cheese, chips and dips, fresh veggies and dips, and fresh fruit with a sweet dip, and a choice of coffee, tea, or water.

Sis received several nice gifts, including an office chair from her sister and Hubbie's daughter, and gift cards from several of her favorite stores and restaurants. Of course, she loved the lacy scarf that we gave her, since it was something she expressed an interest in having.

The only thing that would have made the day better is if Hubbie's children could have been there, but his middle daughter couldn't drive the five hours back here after having just been here last week, and his older daughter is attending a meeting in Chicago. His son had another commitment, too.

I'm glad Mother and I saw fit to wear an extra layer of clothes today, because the fellowship hall was quite chilly. Apparently, there is something wrong with the thermostat to the heating system. Several of the ladies, who wore thin blouses without even sweaters, were shivering.

It was a good gathering, though, and a nice day for an outing, if quite chilly. The party ended at 3 p.m., and before we left town, we went to the warehouse store for a few grocery items, like fresh fruits, cereal, veggie straws, and egg substitute.

We were back on the road around 4 p.m. The recent rain and ice left the rice and soybean fields along the way standing in water, which attracted ducks, geese, and even heron. There were also a lot of hawks in the trees and on the power lines hunting for field mice. As for the trees, there were a lot of broken ones, thanks to the ice storm. Near home, we noticed a flock of wild turkeys sheltering under a tree...seems to be a favorite spot for them, since we see them there frequently.

At home, Mother was ready to go to her house right away. She enjoyed the day, but she was tired. Hubbie and I spent the evening watching TV, as usual, including the season three finale of "Downton Abbey." It'll be hard to wait until season four begins. Of course, this episode ended with a tragedy, and several unsolved problems, to ensure that diehard fans like us tune in again next season.

We followed that with watching our favorite college basketball team as they played, unfortunately, to a wide-margin loss.