Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday, Feb. 21

Woke up this morning expecting to see a glaze of ice on everything, but there was nothing but some sleet pellets on the roof. I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking we had dodged the ice-storm bullet. I was wrong. It just hadn't arrived yet. And when it did, it came with a vengeance. I later learned that the storm took aim at our county, leaving a heavier coating of the frozen stuff than anywhere in the state, and causing power outages to the greatest number of energy company customers. Our lights flickered a couple of times, but, thank goodness, the power stayed on all day.

Naturally, Mother stayed home today. And while I was getting ready for the day, the other two ladies of the scrapbook club called to say (not surprisingly) that they wouldn't be here this afternoon.

Since I didn't need to get ready for guests, I decided to seize the day and go outside to take pictures of the ice on the trees, bushes, birdfeeders, etc. I didn't venture into the yard, but stayed on the porches...didn't want to risk slipping and falling.

Hubbie ventured out, though, and seemed to have no problem, even on Mother's wheelchair ramp, which was coated with ice. He said it was a crusty ice that didn't hinder him in navigating it.

Traffic wasn't slowed, since the icing occurred mainly on vegetation. Now it remains to be seen if inclement weather will continue in the morning. If the local school district is closed, then the swimming pool will be, too.

At noon today, Hubbie took a bowl of hot homemade chicken noodle soup, a couple of warmed blueberry muffins, and part of a fresh orange to Mother for her lunch. Hubbie and I had the same.

After lunch, I did this and that, including making a recipe of chai tea for Daughter-in-Law, and locating a gift bag and tissue for a gift for Hubbie's sister. Recently, when we saw her, she commented on how much she liked the lacy scarf I wore, and said she'd like one in red and white. So we ordered one from the lady at the vet's clinic who made mine, as well as the one that I gave to my sister for her birthday.

Did a lot of goofing off, too, reading and playing on my e-reader tablet. Later, I heated leftover baked beans, sweet potatoes, and boiled chicken for our supper. Hubbie took a serving of it to Mother.

After supper, we watched TV, including our favorite college basketball team, as they once again squeaked by to a win...a two-point basket saved them in the last few seconds, after they'd maintained a commanding lead in the first half of the game.